Thursday, March 15, 2007

An Insight into the Countless Benefits of Green Tea Dieting

Green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years and the Chinese have been using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. Unlike black tea which is processed in a different manner, green tea retains its original color and the nutrients which are beneficial for your body. The benefits of green tea dieting are endless, and I will describe just a few of the benefits of green tea dieting in this short article.

The benefits of green tea dieting come from drinking 3 to 5 cups a day of green tea along with a balanced healthy diet and regular exercise. The easiest approach to attain the benefits of green tea dieting is by simply drinking a cup with each meal and snack you eat.

Since green tea is not as processed as black tea, one good chemical that remains is called catechin polyphenois which works with chemicals in your body to burn more fat. As a result, one of the many benefits of green tea dieting is a faster metabolism. In fact, a study published in 2005 indicated that drinking green tea can lead to a reduction in body fat and cholesterol levels which is one of the major benefits of green tea dieting.

Another one of the many benefits of green tea dieting is that it helps depress leptin which decrease the appetite. This means you will feel full with less food, and as a result of the calorie reduction, you will lose fat, assuming of course that you eat healthy food.

One of the benefits of green tea dieting not often mentioned is its role as a glucose regulator which basically means that it slows down the digestion of carbohydrates which can cause rises in blood sugar levels and insulin spikes that cause fat gain. To get these benefits of green tea dieting, you need to drink green tea on a regular basis.

Aside from weight loss, there are other benefits of green tea dieting such as its many health benefits. Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant which helps boost your immune system and researchers suggest that the active ingredient may be up to 200 times more powerful than vitamin E.

Another one of the benefits of green tea dieting is that instead of drinking green tea, you can take green tea pills. These are often 500 mg capsules which are to be taken two to three times daily. Studies show that green tea helps people to lose weight, regardless of whether in pill or liquid form.

What's more, while some green tea pills contain caffeine, it is often half of that in coffee. This lower amount of caffeine means you can lose weight naturally and safely, and avoid the ephedra or prescription weight loss drugs which can raise heart rates.

You may be wondering if aside from all the benefits of green tea dieting, are there any negative points, such as side effects? While green tea may have some side effects it will be mostly from the caffeine, since a 6 oz. cup of green tea contains around 30 mg of caffeine. If you have over 6 cups a day this can cause sleeplessness, irregular heart beat, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and a loss of appetite. However, you can get caffeine-free green tea pills to avoid these side effects.

The benefits of green tea dieting are very clear. Even if your intention is not necessary to lose weight, these benefits of green tea dieting should not be underestimated.

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