Thursday, April 19, 2007

How To Measure Your Servings?

Do you know much you eat? Maybe you do, and maybe you don't. It's amazing how many people struggle with weight loss for years, convinced that don't eat a lot. Yet the weight stays on or actually increases over time.

When, people nosh their way through the day in a distracted state and don't pay attention to the fact that they're eating. More often, they know what they eat, and they know how many servings they have of what they eat. The problem is their notion of what counts as a serving.

When doctors and other expert spell out guidelines for weight loss, they usually create a plan they recommends a certain number of servings of any food or food group. To know what they mean by the word "serving", you have to read through the particular guidelines that you're following. The side panel on a cereal box routinely reports nutrition information according to one serving. But one kind of cereal considers one serving to be one cup of the cereal, while another, higher fat, sugary cereal may specify one quarter cup. In the case of the cereal manufactures, they understand that the buying public expects one serving of any cereal regardless of its makeup to contain approximately the same number calories as the rest. So the people who make and tell cereal simple adjust the volume of the cereal that they call one serving.

On the diet programs, one serving is actually one unit of the food. One serving of strawberries might be one quarter of a cup, and you'd be allowed two servings of the berries in a single sitting. One serving of beef might be designated as one ounce, which means that at a single sitting, you would be allowed four serving. A more understanding of "serving" would be the standard total of that particular food for one meal. Thus, one serving of strawberries would be a half cup, while one serving of beef would be four ounces.

Having said all that, and even knowing all that, some people still don't know how much they eat. They don't actually measure a cup. They eyeball it. Or they measured once, and now they're gauging by what remember about how it looked in a certain dish.

They only accurate way to know how much you're eating is to measure it. If you think you're consuming one designated serving and routinely, it turns out to be twice that, you can see how you might quickly find the weight staying on or moving upward. It only takes a moment to measure food, which is far less that it takes to lose a pound of extra weight. Measuring cups and a simple food scale are all it will take to get in touch with the amounts of your food consumption.

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