Wednesday, March 21, 2007

5 Specific Symptoms To Look For With Yeast Infection

If you are suspicious that you may have a yeast infection, there are specific symptoms that can help clarify whether or not you indeed have an infection. Although it can be embarrassing and possibly painful, you're not the only one out there to get a yeast infection. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that around 80% of women will be afflicted by vaginal yeast infection at least once during their lifespan. So what are the yeast infection symptoms to look for?

1. Burning Sensation During Urination

Men and women can be afflicted by a yeast infection, and both may notice a burning sensation during urination. If you notice that it hurts to urinate and burns for more than a few bathroom breaks, it's a sign that you need to talk with a physician.

2. Pain During Intercourse

This is only relevant for women who have a vaginal yeast infection. Although it is uncommon, it is possible for a woman to infect a male partner through vaginal intercourse. Because of this, it is vital that the women avoid vaginal intercourse completely until treatment has cured the infection.

3. Discharge

For the male, there are very few yeast infection symptoms, but a discharge from the penis is one of them. This can be either during urination or ejaculation. For the women, the production of a thick white vaginal discharge will be found that often resembles cottage cheese.

4. Itching

Any kind of itching around the vagina or penis is a red flag. It can become extremely irritating and is a clear sign that something is not right. In this case, it is vital that you get a medical exam immediately.

5. Irritation Or Redness

Going along with the itching, women may experience other forms of irritation around the vagina. The vagina may also begin to appear red and begin to rash. Although this often is more irritating than painful, it can become quite painful without quick treatment.

When you are concerned that you may have a yeast infection, it is vital that you check for all of the above symptoms that may be relevant. Sometimes having just one symptom isn't enough. For example, irritation for women can be caused by the use of products such as perfumed soaps, bubble baths and sprays. If you do have a symptom and are worried, the safest thing to do is to go and get a medical examination. This is the most efficient way to get rid of a yeast infection prior to it worsening.

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